Birds Do It, Bees Do It… Let’s Do It, Say Busy Business Owners To Their Ghost Bloggers

In the book “What No One Ever Tells You About Blogging And Podcasting,” Mikal Belicove, ghost blogger and blog strategist, defends the practice of ghost blogging. Most sports figures, music stars, celebrities, and politicians don’t write their own books.  Belicove adds that it’s not only books that are ghost-written; most quotes from CEO’s and company presidents in press releases were never actually uttered by those CEO’s and presidents!

Even though many people are aware that books and speeches and even songs are often not composed by the people to whom they’re attributed, when it comes to employing a professional ghost blogger – some folks feel that takes away the special authenticity blogs have.  Mikal Belicove doesn’t agree with that sentiment for a minute.  Very much in the manner in which I perform Say It For You ghost-blogging services for my clients, Belicove writes and handles the mechanics of posting blogs that contain the client’s thoughts and ideas, not his.  Mikal simply helps them jump-start the process by articulating those thoughts and ideas.  As professional ghost bloggers, we start the process by discussing ideas with the client; the process doesn’t end without the client’s having approved each finished blog post.

Belicove makes one important point in the book that I think is worth emphasizing here: A professional ghost blogger adds a lot more to the mix than just labor.  “He or she provides insight and clarity in taking ideas from a rough format and working them into a post that makes sense and has value.”

Ghost blogging is part of a trend on the part of business owners to focus their time making and selling products or doing consulting, delegating marketing functions to others.  “It’s the thoughts and opinions that matter, not the mechanism for getting them into the blogosphere.”  My thoughts exactly, Mikal… When Cole Porter sang, “Let’s do it,” he was referring to falling in love.  But if Cole were writing the song today, who knows?  He might have sung, “Lets blog!”

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