Celebrity Interviews Add Interest to Business Blogs – Magazine Challenge Part One

A few months back in my Say It For You blogs, I gave myself the challenge of findingstar three ideas for blog posts in a single issue of a popular magazine.  A couple of my fellow bloggers took me up on the Magazine Challenge, and some dozen very creative SEO marketing blog posts were born.

The idea behind the challenge was to combat “writer’s block”.  In corporate blogging training sessions, I found that blog content writers’ biggest fear is running out of ideas after weeks, months, and even years of sustaining a blog. The thought was that, as you browsed through whatever magazine you’d chosen, you’d find things that, on the surface, were unrelated to your business, but which would trigger ideas about your business, suggesting new ways to explain what you sell, what you know, what you believe, and what you know how to do. (In my case as a professional ghost blogger, the same technique works in finding novel ideas to explain my clients’ businesses.)

That was in August, and I just finished reading through an issue of Natural Health Magazine that makes me want to take the challenge all over again. So, once again, I’m inviting Indianapolis blog writers to try the Magazine Challenge along with me.

The simple rules, just as a reminder are these: Come up with three different blog post ideas, all based on titles or articles or illustrations out of a single issue of a magazine of your choice.  If you have your own business blog, simply email me a link to your site.  Or, email me your blog post(s) and I’ll publish it on Say It For You as a guest post.

Natural Health interviewed Krysten Ritter, ABC-TV and movie actress, using the star’s answers to reinforce lessons about healthy living. “Ritter reveals her cherished causes, favorite foods and why sleep is a top priority.” Ritter recalls growing up on a Pennsylvania cattle farm, explaining that she tries to support local farmers and eat organic food. She reads scripts while on the treadmill, and tries “to be realistic about my fitness goals.”

The lesson here for freelance blog content writers, I think, is that, while the message about exercise and diet is undeniably same-old, same-old, the reader’s interest is captured because it’s a celebrity saying these things, not a fitness facility owner or health food store proprietor.

The “Top 5 tips for healthy living” are not just any “top 5 tips”, they are Krysten Ritter’s tips, with the cachet factor increasing accordingly.

Anyone providing business blogging services can freshen up warnings, tips, alerts, and news by going on a “star search”.  The famous may not be counted among your clientele, but what well-known person is known for using your type of product or service? Wouldn’t adding a few drops of “star dust” add some glow to your business blog writing?

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