Readers Want to Know More From Your Business Blog

“Diners want to know more”, says Tiffany Hsu in the Indianapolis Star, explaining that “fast-food and casual chains are disclosing ingredients and prep methods to draw customers.”

Online searchers want to know more as well.  To draw customers, business blog writers willrestaurant menu have to “disclose” greater detail than ever before.  And that, as I stress in corporate blogging training sessions, is perfectly OK.

Many Say It For You clients start out afraid – if they share too much ” how-to” or “how-it-works” information, their fear is, clients and customers won’t be willing to pay for their expertise. Ironically, some business owners who employ freelance blog writers have the opposite fear – they don’t want to be perceived as “bragging” or “hard-selling”.

Since one main purpose of SEO marketing blogs is to create new customer relationships, I was glad to read that restaurant owners are now going beyond legal requirements that they list the ingredients and calories in their food, and are beginning to provide in-depth material to showcase their expertise and customer care. “If you demonstrate to families that you offer them a safe meal, you establish a tremendous sense of loyalty,” observed one food executive.

That is precisely the message I try to convey to company owners that are new to blog marketing.  In providing business blogging assistance, I can share an insight I’ve gleaned in the process of creating more than 6,000 unique blog posts for corporate clients and professional practitioners:

Telling potential buyers about your special approach to your business, even sharing your special methods, is not going to either prepare or induce those buyers to “do it themselves”! Your readers just need perspective in order to make the right choice of provider – Just why is your way of doing things good for them?

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