Business Blog Writing With a “Q”

Listening with “half an ear” the other day to a QVC announcer touting a pants suit, I caught one of those interesting word tidbits the professional blog writer in me so appreciates. I was reminded once again that, in running a business or a professional practice, we sometimes forget how much help the right words can be. And, of course, as I’m always telling newbie freelance blog content writers in Indianapolis, words, along with pictures, are our only tools of the trade.

Praising the velour fabric of the pants suit he’d designed, that QVC special guest announcer casually let drop these words: “Just look at this fabric. It has real quality, and I don’t mean spelled with a ‘K’.” 

No further explanation was offered, and none was needed. And that’s precisely, I reflected, what a word tidbit does in an SEO marketing blog post – it makes a big impact or clarifies a concept so that readers are instantly “on the same page”. The implication on QVC, of course, was that “Kwality” would be “cutesy”, a description unworthy of the high quality that this QVC garment offered.

Marketing adviser Spork agrees: “Low quality ads,” he says, “send the wrong message about a company’s inherent value,” When it comes to blogging for business, high quality includes

  • Using proper grammar and spelling
  • Properly attributing curated material to its author
  • Making it easy for readers to navigate your website defines the word “quality” as “an inherent or distinguishing characteristic”.
In today’s social media-rich world, distinguishing anyone or anything is hardly an easy thing to achieve.  As we blog content writers in Indianapolis know all too well, “traditional” marketing messages are part of the competition for consumers’ eyeballs and eardrums along with new media. That’s why, in corporate blogging training sessions, I emphasize that “winning search” through business blog writing is simply not enough.

As Linda Mansfield of Restart Communications defines quality in marketing, you have to make sure that the people who are the ‘face’ of your company are approachable, likeable, knowledgeable, and available.”

Whether you’re posting regular blogs or using a business blogging service to “say it for you”, keep your eye on the goals of sincerity and excellence. That means QUALITY spelled with a “Q”!

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