Your Blog Is The Answer To Someone’s Problem

I always enjoy the omelets at Cafe Patachou, but a week ago, someone interviewing Patachou owner Martha Hoover served me something even tastier – a wonderful word tidbit about business.  Hoover was discussing what being an entrepreneur means to her:  “We do more than serve breakfast and lunch – we provide jobs and a lifestyle for our employees.”  The interviewer, Shawn O’Donaghue of the Central Indiana Women’s Business Center, then came up with this wonderful summary:
“Successful business owners understand that the product or service they are selling is the answer to someone’s problem.”
Wow! That one sentence is so-o-o made-to-order for business blogging and s-o-o apropos to my work as a professional ghost blogger for business.  Here’s why I say that:  People are online searching for answers to their problems.  They might need answers to questions they have or solutions for dilemmas they’re facing.  Or, they might need a particular kind of service and aren’t sure who offers that.  Or maybe they need a product to fill a need they have.  That’s when, if you’ve been consistently blogging, they find you, because your blog post gives them just the information they’re looking for. (Remember, they wouldn’t be there searching if they didn’t need something!) Don’t think of it as business blogging; think of it as providing solutions to someone’s problem.
So, Martha Hoover, keep serving up those fabulous Patachou omelets. Shawn Donaghue, keep serving up those valuable business tips and word tidbits!  I’ll relish them both.
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