For Diets and Blog Content Writing, It’s Easier With the Right Items on Hand

“Healthy food choices are easy when you’ve got the right items on hand,” writes Erin O’Donnell in WebMD.  “Healthy”, effective blog content writing is much the same way, as I like to stress in corporate blogging training sessions.

The format for most of the article was Toss/Replace, with the author advising us what to toss out of our refrigerators and what items might make for healthier replacements. Two cautions, for example, were to replace sticks of margarine with trans fat-free spreads and sugary sodas with sparking water.

The Toss/Replace parallel in providing business blogging assistance might include tossing “sales-ey” claims and replacing those with valuable information in generous portions in your blog posts. Linking your blog to other websites that have valuable information for readers on your subject is important as well.

Stock your blog posts with good, usable information, I tell newbie blog content writers. You want to be perceived as a subject matter expert offering usable information and insights. Some basics include explaining what problems can be solved using that business' products and services, defining basic terminology, and basic statistics showing that many others have faced the same issue as the one concerning this reader.

Having given us a Toss/replace list, Erin O’Donnell moves on to a “Stock Up” section, telling readers to stock their refrigerators with fruits and vegetables, eggs, and low-fat dairy products.

For us Indianapolis blog content writers, the ‘stocking” happens in the form of an “idea folder”. That folder could be an actual folder in which newspaper and magazine clippings are collected, a little notebook you carry around, or the folder could take the form of a digital file on a phone or tablet.  We "load up" with content for future posts and stay current in the "now" by reading,  bookmarking, clipping – and even just noticing – new trends and information relating to each of our clients’ business fields.

For business owners, when a prospect or customer poses an interesting question, or after handling a customer service or product issue, jot yourself a note to talk about it again in your blog (or share the story with your professional ghost blogger). If you notice a "factoid" circulating about your industry, a common misunderstanding by the public about the way things really work in your field, be sure to take note and refute that myth in a future blog post.

When you’ve got the right items on hand, both eating and blog content writing for business become a whole lot healthier!

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