Guest Business Blog Post: Ways to Help You Create Impact at the Point of Interaction

Ron SukenickToday my long-time friend Ron Sukenick (Business Advisor / Relationship Strategist / Author / Connector) contributes a guest blog post about ways to create impact when meeting people through networking. In Wednesday’s post I’ll comment on how each of these tips relates to business blogging.

Contribute – Always share ideas, information and your resources when with others.
Make it a small world – Everyone you meet has something in common with you. Your job is to find out what that is.  In helping you to make it a small world, always mention the names of people, places, and things.  You’ll be amazed on how people will respond when they find that you have experienced something or know someone in common.

Take interest in others – By investing a little time in research prior to your following up of a contact you made, you’d be amazed at the impact upon your follow-up phone call.  Go to any of your favorite search engines and be amazed at what might come up for you to read.  The person you’re following up with will love that you took the time to learn more about who they are.  In exchange, they will be more open to learning more about who you are.

Link one relationship to another – The power has been, and always will be, in making the connection for others.  Do what you can to link one relationship to another.

Shorten learning curves – Learn to provide information to someone in need at that very moment the request is made.

Listen three times as much – When you speak, you learn what you know.  When you listen, you learn what they know.  Need I say anything more?

Look & comment about their business card – Quite often, people exchange business cards without even looking at them.  Comment on something you see on the card – the person in front of you will love the attention.

Be passionate about your work – Having a passion for the work you do is contagious. Learn to express yourself as if your life depended on it.

Find your reason for being – If you want to build relationships with others, it’s important that you self-reflect and strengthen the relationship with yourself.

Connect their goals to people you know – Once you determine what they’re looking to accomplish, simply make the connection with others you know who might be able to move their goals forward.  Think of this as an act of kindness.

Connect the dots – This refers to your ability to recall information that helps clarify your intention to move forward.

Take the moment and dance with it – Being in the present will always create impact with others.  Eliminate any thoughts going through your mind that do not directly relate to the conversation and to the person you’re with.

Follow up – Know that just being there is not enough.  You must have a solid system for creating a persistent presence.

The follow-up is where most people fall down.  They meet people, then do nothing with the information.  You must follow up within 48 hours or less.  With you being one of the only people following up after the recent event you attended, you’ll surely gain attention for future opportunities.

Learn more about Ron Sukenick’s work by clicking here.

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