Kosciusko National Memorial: A Blog Of A National Park

A week or so ago, on National Public Radio, I caught a broadcast about the smallest national park in the nation, the Kosciuszko National Memorial Park.  This park is so small, it’s actually inside a house in Philadelphia; you can see the entire place in ten minutes.  For those who need a memory jog, Thaddeus Kosciuszko was a Polish-born American Revolutionary War hero, an engineer who traveled from fort to fort.  While petitioning Congress for back pay, he stayed in the very house that is now the Memorial.  The “park” is now complete with its own on-duty National Park Ranger.

Listening to this short but fascinating program, I was struck by the thought that the Kosciuszko National Memorial can serve as an apt metaphor for a blog.  A good business blog is short and sweet, containing one or two fascinating items for visitors to read about.  At the Kosciuszko Memorial, those whose interest is piqued can take home a brochure about the American Revolution in order to learn more about the history of the period. Similarly, those web browsers whose interest is piqued by the items in your blog can move on to you company website to Learn more about your products and services.

As one of the Park Rangers described the Kosciuszko Memorial experience, “Maybe we can look at it as more quality visitation than quantity.”  How apropos for blogging!  Quality, not quantity, is the experience you want to offer visitors to your blog.  (Excuse me, when does your next blog tour start?)

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