No Crowing or Bugging in your Business Blog – Worming is Good!

If there’s one quality most of us appreciate in others, it’s a sense of humor.  It follows, then, that blog content writers who have fun with words will find that helps them engage better with readers. 

As a trainer in corporate blog writing, I particularly appreciated fellow Mensa member Steve Merchant, who, in a piece written for the latest Mensa newsletter, considered the way we use animal names as verbs.  Merchant says he decided to write on the topic “after skunking a friend at ping pong and wolfing down a large lunch.”

The reason a sense of humor can be such a help in business blog writing is that, in order to be effective, blogging must continue over a sustained period of time.  The very sort of “drill sergeant discipline” that is required needs humorous relief. In fact, the reason Say It For You is called upon to provide business blogging assistance is that keeping up the necessary frequency and longevity of writing for business poses an enormous challenge for busy business owners.

So, Steve, I picked out three of the animal verbs you mentioned  that I think can be of help to in corporate blogging for business:

“Craig always crows about his high grades.”
cock crowingWhile business blog writing is part of any company’s marketing strategy and tactics development, it’s NOT the same as advertising. The best business blogging help I can offer is to remind business owners not to “crow” and to keep in mind that potential clients and customers are asking themselves “So what? What’s in it for ME?”

 “Quit bugging me about it!”
What successful writing for business needs not to do is nag.  Something I emphasize as a freelance SEO copywriter is that hard selling doesn’t work, and it certainly doesn’t work in blog posts.  Use your blog to demonstrate knowledge, focusing on topics your target customers care about.

“That little puppy wormed his way into my affections.”worm
People relate to stories about people. In business blog posts, your workers can share some boots-on-the-ground stories about problems they helped solve.  As a business owner you can tell stories about how you came to choose this line of work and about why you care so deeply about serving customers.

Stop with the crowing and the bugging – worm your way into your readers’ affections!

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