Objectivity is an Object in Blogging for Business

“Viable, changing content becomes the engine that powers your website,” cautions friend and fellow blogger Phil Steele. A professional blog content writer like myself, Steele urges business owners who lose enthusiasm at any point to recruit someone “who can keep things afloat for you.”

One very useful pointer in the Steele blog post “A Ferrari Without an Engine” concerns objectivity.  “Too many business blogs serve as extended advertisements,” he warns, suggesting business blog writing would be better aimed at taking a bird’s-eye view of one’s industry, and only then relating back to one’s own business.

I find that advice particularly appropriate for my Say It For You clients who are professional practitioners.  Offering an industry bird’s-eye view is a good idea in all blogging for business, of course, but it’s especially important for doctors, accountants, lawyers, life coaches, and others offering personal services to use blog content writing to make three things very clear:

  • their specialty or niche within their field
  • their special “philosophy” about their area of practice
  • their unique approach to providing client services

In marketing lingo, “dripping” means sending out a series of small messages, usually through email, to customers or prospects over time. Radio advertising, in which the idea is to hit as many people as possible, as many times as possible, is a form of drip marketing, because most listeners need to hear something several times before they act.  Freelance blog writers can help business owners and professional practitioners employ a similar technique through their inbound marketing campaigns in the form of blogging.

The industry overview Steele talks about, you know, taking a bird’s eye view of one’s professional field or industry, then relating back to one’s own business? That can be one tall order to fill on a single web page – or ten web pages, for that matter. Corporate blog writing is a much better tool for the job.

Viable, changing content is what’s needed to convey objectivity.  And, remember, objectivity is an object in blogging for business!


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