What’s Half of Eight in Business Blog Writing?

If ever there was a perfect example of a marriage between science and art, I think it’s to be found in blogging for business.  In fact, we blog content writers in Indianapolis do it all the time – let our creativity run free, all the while staying within the best search engine optimization practices “playground”.

Effective SEO marketing blogs are centered around key themes relating to a particular business, professional practice, or organization. I call these leitmotifs, because they’re like the recurring musical phrases that connect different movements of a symphony.  The “science” aspect of blogging for business relates to building equity in keyword phrases within related categories over time, encouraging search engines to index your blog at or near the top of search results.

But, in writing for business, as business owners and freelance blog content writers soon learn, continually covering the same few topics can become a tedious task, not to mention that tedious content is sure to fail at engaging readers’ interest.

Enter the “art” of blogging, which professionals offering business blogging assistance will explain involves incorporating variety around those central themes. Through the i.e’s and the e.g’s, (the details, comparisons, opinions, stories, testimonials, tidbits, statistics, and visuals) we have the chance to present the “same old” content in a fresh new light.

Two weeks ago, at our meeting of the Indiana Speakers’ Association, incoming NSA president Ron Culbertson, offered a number of different answers to the one simple question:  What is half of eight? (If the only answer that occurs to you is “four”, that could be a sign you need business blogging help.)

Other answers around the leitmotif of 8:

0      (only the top loop of the 8)
3      (only the right half of the figure)
E    (only the left half of the figure)
Eig  (the first three letters of the 6-letter word)

As an Indianapolis business blogger, I’m always on the alert for out-of-the box blog content that stays within the categories for which my Say It For You clients want to win search. After I’ve won their eyeballs with science, I need to engage ‘em with artfulness!

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