Enough With the Unflattering Blog Posts….

Oprah makeoverO Magazine has an "Enough With The…" section showing before and after photos of several women who’d started the New Year by swearing off clothes that were too tight, too loose, too young, too frumpy, or just plain too unflattering.

Enough with the construction worker clothes:

D. used to hide her broad shoulders and stomach cargo pants, hoodies, and work boots; her "After" photo features her in a knee-length dress that shows off her legs, with ruching to minimize her middle, a look described as sexy, not revealing.

What blog content writers must realize is that a business blog is not about hiding the fact that you have something to sell – it’s about being creative in describing what you are selling!. Marketing blogger Trish Jones suggests starting the creative process by asking "How do I want people to feel when they consume my product or use my services?”  “What value can I add that my competitors are not providing?” In fact, when I’m offering blog writing services to a business owner, that is one of the very questions I pose.

Enough with the undertaker look.

A. whose monotonous, dark two-piece suits used to give her too severe and colorless a look, poses in a colorful but professional-looking silk patterned blouse and contrasting skirt.

Give your copy personality, advises blogger Michel Fortin.  In corporate blogging training, I explain that, even if not all readers agree with your slant on your business area, everyone will relate to your genuineness and the fact that you’re passionate about what you do. Don’t be afraid to make your corporate blog writing "colorful".

Enough with the around-the clock loungewear.

J. in her 50’s, discarded her Barbie pink sweats with slimming, neutral corduroys, dressed up with a neutral colored short trench coat, still casual and trendy, but much more age-appropriate.

In business blog writing, it’s a good idea to keep the tone informal, but remember you’re there to do business and to be informative, not chatty or overly assuming. Giving your readers a taste of your personality is fine, but keep it tasteful and on task

Enough with the XXL wardrobe.

At 35, S. wore giant tee shirts over jeans, afraid to flaunt her buxom figure.  Posing for her "After" picture in slim colorful trousers and a jersey top belted at the waist, an outfit that is both modest and becoming. 

Blogging, of course, is part of being becoming to readers. Keep blog posts short and focused around one central theme. It should be obvious that this post is about just one aspect of your business, what you happen to be talking about today. Over-sizing doesn’t work very well in wardrobes or in blog posts!

Enough with the much-too-tight attire.

L. put on some pounds, and her stretch tops were too much of a stretch.  After the consult, she poses in a shirtdress that skims her curves without being too tight, a much more professional look.

Even though you want business blogging assistance to help to make the cash register ring by converting lookers to buyers, go soft on the hard-sell. After all, your readers are the very people who found you through search. That means that what they need is a good match for what you have, what you sell, and what you know how to do. Don’t "stretch" the claims, just offer valuable information and let it happen.

After all, you want your "after-business-blogging-help" photo to show your company in the most flattering light!


What Makes a Good Website Makes a Good Blog – and Then Some!

Since my company, Say It For You, offers not only blog writing services, but corporate blog websitetraining sessions, I’m always reading others’ blog posts and learning new ideas I can emphasize in those training meetings. One blog I follow, Steele Marketing Concepts, offers a thought–provoking statement: "What made a good website just a couple of years ago, does not constitute what most would consider an effective website today". Steele explains that "not so long ago your website was considered an electronic version of your promotional brochure….today it is an interactive means to interface with your customers and prospects."

The emphasis, is on the word "interactive". Phil Steele lists what he considers to be the key attributes of a good website. Every one of the points he makes is relevant to my work in providing corporate blogging for business. Blogging, in fact, is the "and then some!" for each of the positive outcomes Steele expects from well-designed websites. In other words, while a website does not replace a blog, nor a blog replace a website, there are certain things for which blogs are the perfect tool. (Sure, you can get a picture hook into a wall using the handle of a screw driver, but the right tool might get the job done more precisely.)

What blog content writers need to remember is that the initial messaging visitors see needs to answer their primary questions about how you can help them.
This is emphatically true of blogs and is the ruler by which we freelance SEO copywriters measure the relevance of our content.. Online searchers are not likely to spare more than a few seconds to decide if they’ve come to the right place for the products, information, or services they need.

Your website must be able to differentiate your offering from your competitors’. 
In fact, one of the ongoing tasks of a professional ghost blogger is to bring out, using different approaches in different blog posts, each client corporation’s or organization’s –  "unique sales proposition". While I agree a well-done website will offer evidence of the company’s specialties, the blog can use the "drip" method to get that point across over time and in ever-varying ways.

Top websites are used as the hub of a company’s marketing efforts.  By interfacing with other online tools like Facebook, Twitter, you Tube, and others, customers are given multiple channels in which to interface with your business.
All true, but it’s easier to arrange to automatically "ship" each new blog post out to social media sites, than to expect the reader to do the clicking from your website to Facebook, Twitter, and friends. Blogs are simply smaller and more nimble than even the best-designed website..

I think of the website as a refrigerator, which stores and is ready to serve up content whenever someone opens the refrigerator door. The blog, on the other hand, is like those ice dispensers – you stick you glass under and lots of little cubes emerge!.




A Little Book About Dolls – a Big Lesson for Bloggers for Business!

Robyn Johnson’s book The Enchanted Dolls’ House Wedding might easily be used as a manual Edwardian Doll Housein my corporate blogging training sessions.

Each page of this delightful children’s book about Edwardian-era dolls has things for the readers to do and valuable tidbits of information. After opening the ornate cover of the book itself, for example, you find a picture of a cabinet. Opening the paper "doors", you can view all the dolls for sale on the shelves. Then, tucked inside an actual envelope glued to the second page, is the wedding invitation, complete with an RSVP card!

Each page offers historical information couched in a very engaging fashion, and at least one very compelling Call to Action, precisely the two elements corporate blog writing should include!

A flap showing the exterior of a building opens to reveal all the departments of the miniature department store. Tiny flaps reveal pictures of different wedding gifts you might wish to choose for the bride. The door of the elegant four-wheeled horse-drawn carriage opens to reveal the bride inside. You can browse through the wedding album, actually turning the pages to view the photographs.  You can read the postcard the couple sent from the honeymoon trip, and open the thank you note for the gift you sent.

From a "search engine optimization" point of view, as a freelance SEO content writer, my task is first to draw traffic to my clients’ blog site. But that is only the beginning.  For blog writing services to play any significant role in company branding and corporate identity, readers must be satisfied they’ve come to the right place, and then, within seconds, become engaged in the process.

Writing for business in the form of corporate blogs means offering valuable information to readers. But, what I think the important reminder I got from going through the Enchanted Dolls’ House Wedding is that nothing is more engaging than engaging in action. In corporate blogging for business terms, that translates into Calls to Action.

So, whether you’re a business owner advertising and marketing your brand, or using the services of a professional ghost blogger like me, the rule to keep in mind when it comes to your readers is simply this:

Offer them things to read, but there’s nothing like offering them things to DO!


A Little Bit of Bloggertising, a Lot of Bloggersation

speech bubblesVerbification, as I explained just a couple of weeks ago in one of these Say It For You blog posts, can be a good tool for small businessowners using corporate blog writing as part of their marketing strategy and tactics development.

For one thing, verbs connote activity and excitement, as Bits.blogs.nytimes points out, making business blog writing more dynamic.  And, if a “verbified” noun catches on, readers will repeat it to others, bringing that company’s brand to mind.

When I do corporate blogging training, one of the points I try to drive home is that corporate blogging for business works best when it’s conversational in tone.  I remind blog content writers to avoid hard-sell advertising, although a certain amount of skillful “bloggerising” (notice the verbification combo) is more than acceptable.

A lot has been written about using business blog writing to create conversation.  While reader comments may not be what makes the corporate cash register ring (Doug Karr and Chantelle Flannery say as much in Corporate Blogging For Dummies, pointing out that the 1 in 100 visitors who comment are not the ones who typically convert into customers), I do believe that writing for business should be expected to generate a back-and-forth process:

  • The conversation begins when searchers find your site because the inquiry they entered into the search engine matched your products and services.
  • You then offer information and various Calls to Action.
  • Customers respond by providing personal information, submitting questions, or ordering product, and …
  • You come back with the appropriate response.

    As a freelance SEO copywriter and corporate blogging trainer (and in the spirit of verbification),  I’ll call that back-and-forth process “Bloggersation”!





It’s OK to Ask in your Corporate Blog

Every sales trainer will tell you – you’ve gotta ask.  When it comes to corporate blog askingwriting, the “asks” come in the form of Calls to Action.  The main purpose of any CTA, says Cameron Chapman in hongkiat.com, is to get visitors to your site doing something.  “That something could be adding a product to their shopping cart, downloading something, requesting information, or just about anything else.”
If ever there was a time to hit just the right note – midway between too bold and too shy, it’s in those “asks“. In corporate blogging training, I keep coming back to the idea that business blog writing should be conversational and informational, not sales-y. The fact is, readers understand you’re writing for business purposes.  In fact, the reason those readers found your site in the first place is that what you sell or what you do is a good match for their needs.

On the other hand, if you want to come across as a professional (as of course you do!), the best  business blogging assistance I can offer is to make sure your Calls to Action are professionally put. Actually, in corporate blogging for business, the blog content itself constitutes a Call to Action!

As a freelance SEO copywriter, I know the other thing important to keep in mind is to offer different types of CTAs.  That’s because different readers will not only need different kinds of help, they will be in different stages of readiness to reach out for help.

Every blog content writer needs to consider the possibility that the reader who’s ready to buy should be able to do that right away, whereas others may need to learn more, watch a video, download a white paper, or whatever. In offering business blogging help, I remind business blog writers that, once  readers feel assured they’ve arrived at the right spot, they might be ready to take action a third of the way into the blog post!

It’s more than OK, asking for action in your business blog posts.  Whatever the answer, though, make sure you’re ready to handle a “Yes”!
