The Way to a Blog Readers’ Heart is Through a Story

storytelling“Stories can be short quips or quick examples that help customers understand why they should care,” says international communications coach Karen Friedman. Stories are must-haves for speakers, Friedman observes.

As blog content writers, we need to pay attention to the research findings Friedman shares about the power of stories. In a study performed at the University of Pennsylvania, subjects were divided into three groups. Participants were each given $5 and told they would be learning about a certain charitable organization. After the presentation, they would be given the choice of contributing all, some, or none of their $5 to that cause.

  • Group A was shown lots of data, including how long the charity had been in existence, the size of the organization’s budget and staff, their funding sources, and the like.
  • Group B heard a story about the plight of a young girl and how she was helped by that organization.
  • Group C was given both the data and the story.

The results? Those in Group A gave the smallest amount. Group B participants, who’d heard the story, gave the largest amount. And Group C? Apparently the data neutralized the emotional effects of the story, because those in the C Group gave a very small amount.

Friedman reminds her speaker trainees of what Oscar-winning producer Peter Gruber said:  “Hits are made in the heart, not in the head.” She urges salespeople to “think of the story you want people to hear”.

As a freelance SEO copywriter, I couldn’t help thinking that if the power of story is to be directed towards the marketing strategy and tactics development of any business, there’s nowhere that power is a better fit than in corporate blog writing. Blog posts must be effective by presenting stories that in themselves are calls to action for readers.

If you are using blogging as a key tool in your marketing strategy, make sure you’re harnessing the emotional power of story.

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