Which-One-Would-You-Rather-Have Blogging for Business: Magazine Challenge Part Two

CFL bulb

Browsing through Natural Health Magazine to look for ideas I could use as part of corporate blogging training, I saw a number of interesting articles, but my attention was diverted by an ad. The product was from Purely Products, and it was an item I’d never heard of before – a CFL.  I learned that a CFL is an air purifier and light bulb all in one.  I never would have found that out, though, were it not for the caption.

One of the big lessons in blogging for business is how important blog post titles are. The title must capture attention so that readers click on the link they’ve found through online search.

This particular ad showed a picture of a mom watching TV, cuddling with her son on the couch.  On one side of the room was a HEPA air filter showing a price tag of $500-$1,000. On the other side of the room a lamp was labeled “Healthy CFL: Under $10”.

The caption read:

“They both purify the air.  Which one would you rather invest in?”

Creating catchy blog titles isn’t the only challenge facing freelance blog writers. Shoppers these days have so many choices, both in the mall and online. Obviously business blog writing needs to be recent, relevant, and on point, but even more than that, corporate blog posts have to deal firmly with “The Why’s”.

  • Why me? (The SEO marketing blog must make clear why the product is a good fit for this reader.)
  • Why you? (What’s special about this provider, this company, this business?)
  • Why now? (What’s so urgent that I should pay attention now?)
  • Why this price? (Is there a special offer? How does the cost compare to other options I have?)

The CFL ad made it abundantly clear – I could purify the air in my home using a HEPA filter, or choose the much simpler, much less expensive option of the CFL.  A Maxima ad I found online follows the same format: “Wouldn’t You Rather Have an ’85 Maxima with Super Sonic Suspension?”

One other aspect of the CFL ad that I found very appealing is that it was very much in sync with the Say It For You no-hard-sell style of business blog writing.  “Shock advertising” or scare tactic blogging is, in my opinion, of zero business blogging help.   Blog content writers’ task is to present choices.  Given enough necessary, relevant, and truthful information, consumers are perfectly able to decide “which one they’d rather invest in”!


Celebrity Interviews Add Interest to Business Blogs – Magazine Challenge Part One

A few months back in my Say It For You blogs, I gave myself the challenge of findingstar three ideas for blog posts in a single issue of a popular magazine.  A couple of my fellow bloggers took me up on the Magazine Challenge, and some dozen very creative SEO marketing blog posts were born.

The idea behind the challenge was to combat “writer’s block”.  In corporate blogging training sessions, I found that blog content writers’ biggest fear is running out of ideas after weeks, months, and even years of sustaining a blog. The thought was that, as you browsed through whatever magazine you’d chosen, you’d find things that, on the surface, were unrelated to your business, but which would trigger ideas about your business, suggesting new ways to explain what you sell, what you know, what you believe, and what you know how to do. (In my case as a professional ghost blogger, the same technique works in finding novel ideas to explain my clients’ businesses.)

That was in August, and I just finished reading through an issue of Natural Health Magazine that makes me want to take the challenge all over again. So, once again, I’m inviting Indianapolis blog writers to try the Magazine Challenge along with me.

The simple rules, just as a reminder are these: Come up with three different blog post ideas, all based on titles or articles or illustrations out of a single issue of a magazine of your choice.  If you have your own business blog, simply email me a link to your site.  Or, email me your blog post(s) and I’ll publish it on Say It For You as a guest post.

Natural Health interviewed Krysten Ritter, ABC-TV and movie actress, using the star’s answers to reinforce lessons about healthy living. “Ritter reveals her cherished causes, favorite foods and why sleep is a top priority.” Ritter recalls growing up on a Pennsylvania cattle farm, explaining that she tries to support local farmers and eat organic food. She reads scripts while on the treadmill, and tries “to be realistic about my fitness goals.”

The lesson here for freelance blog content writers, I think, is that, while the message about exercise and diet is undeniably same-old, same-old, the reader’s interest is captured because it’s a celebrity saying these things, not a fitness facility owner or health food store proprietor.

The “Top 5 tips for healthy living” are not just any “top 5 tips”, they are Krysten Ritter’s tips, with the cachet factor increasing accordingly.

Anyone providing business blogging services can freshen up warnings, tips, alerts, and news by going on a “star search”.  The famous may not be counted among your clientele, but what well-known person is known for using your type of product or service? Wouldn’t adding a few drops of “star dust” add some glow to your business blog writing?


Freakish Ways to Keep Frequency in Corporate Blog Writing

“Some writers can just sit at their desk and bang the keys,” observes Mental Floss,half shaved head of hair noting that others need to engage in outlandish behavior in order to court the muse.

Courting the online muse with long term corporate blogging for business (the only kind that helps companies “win search”) definitely takes what I call “drill sergeant discipline”.  Could descent into freakishness be of business blogging assistance as well?

  • Composer Richard Wagner relied on barks from his dog to tell him if an opera passage needed to be tweaked. I’ve not yet encountered a pet than can edit SEO marketing blogs!
  • A second composer, Von Schiller, needed the smell of rotten fruit to inspire him. I’d advise content writers in Indianapolis to try fruit-scented room freshener instead!
  • Ancient Greek Demosthenes had trouble staying on task, so when he felt wanderlust, he’s shave off half his hair (he’d be too embarrassed to go out and was able to concentrate on his writing for a couple of months at a time!) I doubt even the most dedicated of  Say It For You freelance blog writers would be willing to try that one!
  • Novelist Victor Hugo stood at a podium, naked, while writing his novels. Since Hugo’s podium was set up on his roof, weather conditions in the Midwest would probably render this strategy impractical for anyone providing Indianapolis blog writing services.

All my business owner friends and clients, in fact most business owners in general, know that business blog writing in their area of expertise is one tactic they can use in an effort to get indexed by search engines and get found by potential clients and customers. But, since frequency of posting new content is so key to success in blog marketing, and since blog content writing takes considerable time and effort (two scarce commodities in business owners’ lives), writing for business too often is put on – and stays on – the back burner.

Professional ghost bloggers become muses, then, providing blog writing services for entrepreneurs who’d rather operate fully clothed with full heads of hair, working in fresh-smelling showrooms and offices!


Business Blog Writing and Political Telephone Surveys

Busy writing for business in my Say It For You home office desk the other evening, Isurvey was interrupted by a phone call, which led to my having a “conversation” with a recording. The purpose of the call, I quickly learned, was to survey Indiana residents on the topic of the upcoming election, specifically concerning the role federal judges play in politics.

While the call started out as a nuisance, in retrospect I’m glad I made time for that ten-minute survey, shedding my professional ghost blogger’s “hat” and putting on my voter’s “cap” in order to participate.  The exercise actually reinforced some of the things I teach in corporate blogging training sessions about generating business using SEO marketing blogs.

The survey began with general questions:  Did I believe in voting in every election, most, or only some? Did I consider primaries to be important? 
Strange, this talking to a recording (Given a choice, I’ll always press “O” to get the live operator). But, never having gone through this particular kind of telephone survey process before, I realized I liked the very idea of being asked, in great detail, for my opinions! I made a note to myself to remind business owner clients and freelance blog writers that allowing comments in corporate blogging for business is a good idea if for no other reason than to engage readers!

The survey continued with questions about age range, gender, even race. As we progressed, though, it became increasingly apparent that the “agenda” related to the appointment of federal judges.  Which did I believe to be the primary responsibility of a federal judge – fairness and impartiality or upholding the Constitution?

So, in what way can all of this be of business blogging help?  In any selling situation (and blog marketing is no different), buyers shy away from sellers who employ strong-arm tactics.  This causes some providers to go to the other extreme, pretending they are offering nothing but useful, free information. Selling? Not at our company!

Taking the telephone survey actually did provide me with some valuable, free information about the appointment of federal judges and how their positions relate to which party wins an election. True, the further into the survey we got, the more apparent the “hidden” agenda became. But the point I want to make here is that it was OK!  The fact that the survey creators had a point of view to sell worked just fine for me. That same process will work just fine for content writers in Indianapolis who are offering business blogging assistance to business owners who want to make their cash registers ring!

When online readers click on a blog post or on a website, they’re perfectly aware of the fact that the providers of the information have an “agenda” and are out to do business.  But as long as the material they’re being offered by the blog content writer (whether that’s the business owner, an employee, or a ghost blogger) is valuable and well written, relevant to their search, they’re perfectly fine realizing the company would like to have them as a customer!

"Sales momentum," as Craig Davidson defines it in Employee Benefit Adviser, is "the process of creating and maintaining excitement in a buyer with the goal of making a sale." I’m the richer for having taken the telephone survey, with a much greater appreciation for the role of federal judges and the importance of how they’re appointment.

Whether your corporate blog posts lead to an immediate conversion or, for now, merely result in a better-informed readers – you can count your corporate blog writing as a winner!


Readers Want to Know More From Your Business Blog

“Diners want to know more”, says Tiffany Hsu in the Indianapolis Star, explaining that “fast-food and casual chains are disclosing ingredients and prep methods to draw customers.”

Online searchers want to know more as well.  To draw customers, business blog writers willrestaurant menu have to “disclose” greater detail than ever before.  And that, as I stress in corporate blogging training sessions, is perfectly OK.

Many Say It For You clients start out afraid – if they share too much ” how-to” or “how-it-works” information, their fear is, clients and customers won’t be willing to pay for their expertise. Ironically, some business owners who employ freelance blog writers have the opposite fear – they don’t want to be perceived as “bragging” or “hard-selling”.

Since one main purpose of SEO marketing blogs is to create new customer relationships, I was glad to read that restaurant owners are now going beyond legal requirements that they list the ingredients and calories in their food, and are beginning to provide in-depth material to showcase their expertise and customer care. “If you demonstrate to families that you offer them a safe meal, you establish a tremendous sense of loyalty,” observed one food executive.

That is precisely the message I try to convey to company owners that are new to blog marketing.  In providing business blogging assistance, I can share an insight I’ve gleaned in the process of creating more than 6,000 unique blog posts for corporate clients and professional practitioners:

Telling potential buyers about your special approach to your business, even sharing your special methods, is not going to either prepare or induce those buyers to “do it themselves”! Your readers just need perspective in order to make the right choice of provider – Just why is your way of doing things good for them?
