Watch Your Tone of Content Creation

“Sometimes we have no choice but to implement rules,” my speaker friend Todd Hunt admits, but we may have a choice as to how we present those rules. While one hotel at which Hunt stayed posted a notice reading “Breakfast buffet food not allowed beyond breakfast area”, another facility took a different approach, saying “We request our guests to have breakfast only in the lobby area to maintain the food safety standards on our property.”

“Tone of voice plays a crucial role in effective communication. It allows us to express emotions, convey meaning, establish rapport, and influence others’ perceptions,” explains. “One element of communication stands out — tone,” Tracy Brower, PhD, writing in Forbes, agrees, citing data from Grammarly and the Harris poll showing that working remotely increases the need to be a better communicator.

Tone and language are tricky to deal with when it comes to written communication, explains. A speaker’s body language, voice, intonations, eye contact, and general demeanor  offer essential clues about what the speaker is feeling; with print content, this instant give-and-take of nonverbal signals is not possible.”  Still, written messages can take a conversational, a cajoling, or an apologetic tone.

In the case of the two hotel signs Todd Hunt saw, the second message had a more positive tone in that it explained “the why” (the reason guests were to keep all food within the breakfast area). In content marketing, calls to action (CTAs) often use imperative verbs to provoke readers to take positive action, from requesting further information to actually signing up for a newsletter, to actually making a purchase.  But online visitors who’ve found themselves at your blog want to know why they ought to keep reading and why they should follow your advice. Why the urgency about the specific solution you’ve proposed?  Why this price point?

Even couched in a polite, rather than bossy tone, it’s simply not enough for content creators to provide information to online searchers who’ve landed on our client’s corporate blog. The facts need to be “translated” into relational, emotional terms that compel reaction – and action – in readers.

For positive marketing results, pay close attention to the “tone” of your content!


Content Writing Mistakes to Avoid Like the Plague


Mark Byrnes’ cautionary advice is meant for financial advisors, but some of the social media mistakes he’s telling his readers to avoid are warnings all content writers need to hear, and apply to blog posts, newsletters, and even email correspondence.

  • Not being authentic

Content that does not line up well with the firm’s brand or even the advisor’s unique individual brand will most likely be rejected by readers, Byrnes warns.

In your blog or newsletter, we teach at Say It For You, allow people to hear your distinct voice. Got limitations? Those may be precisely what makes you seem real to your readers. 

  • Being too salesy

Rather than boasting about all your own capabilities, put the target market first,  encouraging the audience by asking questions and conducting polls, the author suggests.

The tactic of using questions in titles is one I’ve often suggested to content writers, because often we can help searchers formulate their own questions by presenting one in the blog post or newsletter itself. 

  • Being too long winded

If content rambles on and on, viewers will click away and abandon anything that does not get to the point, Byrnes cautions.

Attempting to cover too much ground in a single blog post or even article, we lose focus, straining readers’ attention span.  Each post, I teach in content creation sessions, should contain a razor-sharp focus on just one story, one idea, one aspect of the business or practice.  

  • Taking the foot off the gas

Maintain consistency. Creating a steady stream of content takes time and patience. Interviewing other thought leaders and creating strategic alliances are ways to keep the content momentum going, Brynes suggests.

After years of being involved in all aspects of content creation for business owners and professional practitioners, one irony I’ve found is that consistency and frequency are rare phenomema. There’s a tremendous content fall-off rate, with most efforts abandoned months or even weeks after they’re begun. Yet, as online marketing guru Neil Patel stresses, websites that publish regular, high-quality content provide real value to users.

  • Hiding your personal side

Advisors should write about their involvement in community and in fundraising efforts, sharing their passions.

Content can focus on personal anecdotes relating to the owners’ community involvements and even to community happenings and concerns. 

  • Ignoring the trends

What are your clients and prospects doing online and why?  What has changed?

One rule of thumb in content marketing, we know at Say It For You, is to narrow down the target audience.  To be an effective marketing tool for your business, your content must be aimed at a specific segment of the market. Ask yourself : “Who are my readers?  What do they need?  Where are they ‘hanging out’ online?” 

All those “no-nos” listed in Financial Advisor Magazine? Content writers – take heed!.





Ageless Ambition: Mastering Marketing Strategies for Senior Entrepreneurs

(Today’s guest blog post was contributed by Seth Murphy of PapaDIY...)

Embarking on an entrepreneurial journey later in life brings unique challenges and opportunities. This article unveils crucial marketing strategies that empower senior entrepreneurs to carve out their success stories. By embracing these approaches, you can achieve business growth and visibility without the hefty price tag of professional marketing agencies.

Embarking on an entrepreneurial journey later in life brings unique challenges and opportunities. This article unveils crucial marketing strategies that empower senior entrepreneurs to carve out their success stories. By embracing these approaches, you can achieve business growth and visibility without the hefty price tag of professional marketing agencies.

Plan Your Marketing Efforts

To start, creating a straightforward marketing plan is vital.  Your plan should incorporate the fundamental elements of a marketing plan: in-depth marketing research, a clear understanding of your target audience, and a spotlight on your unique selling points.  This blueprint guides your marketing efforts, ensuring they are targeted, effective, and aligned with your business objectives.  Remember, a well-thought-out plan is a roadmap to success.

Launch a Website With Users in Mind

In today’s digital era, a website is your business’s virtual storefront. As a senior entrepreneur, ensure your website is not just a digital brochure but a reflection of your brand’s ethos. It should be easy to navigate, mobile-responsive, and visually appealing to resonate with your audience. This digital asset becomes the cornerstone of your marketing efforts, providing a platform for customers to learn, interact, and connect with your brand.

Learn How to Integrate SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a critical tool in your marketing arsenal. By integrating SEO best practices, your website becomes more visible to potential customers. Focus on embedding relevant keywords, offering quality content, and ensuring a user-friendly experience. These steps not only enhance your website’s search engine rankings but also establish your brand as a credible and authoritative voice in your industry. Learn more about content marketing by consulting online resources.

Diversify in Online Advertising

Semrush notes that digital marketing channels offer cost-effective and targeted advertising options. Utilize online platforms to reach a broader audience without straining your budget. Whether it’s social media advertising, email marketing, or pay-per-click campaigns, these tools allow you to tailor your message to specific demographics, increasing the likelihood of reaching potential customers who are interested in what you have to offer. 

Promote Within the Community

Engaging with your local community is a powerful way to build brand awareness. Master the art of attention-grabbing typography and create compelling posters to display in your neighborhood. Harness the power of online resources to design impactful and visually appealing posters. This grassroots approach to marketing not only increases local visibility but also fosters a sense of community involvement.

 Get Creative with Networking

Networking is of paramount importance for businesses as it provides a myriad of opportunities for growth, collaboration, and resource-sharing. It enables businesses to establish and nurture valuable relationships with clients, partners, suppliers, and industry peers. Furthermore, maintaining a robust network can prove beneficial on a personal level as well, as highlighted in the given scenario.

By reconnecting with old friends and acquaintances through tools like search engines and social media, businesses can tap into a wealth of knowledge, potential partnerships, and support from individuals who share a common background or interest. By typing in an old classmate’s name, graduation date, and school in a search engine for a school in Indy, for example, you’ll get quick results with options to reach out to long-ago friends. These connections can lead to valuable insights, referrals, and even new business ventures, illustrating the dual role networking plays in both personal and professional spheres.

Draw in Customers With Freebies

Freebies are universally appealing and serve as a great tactic to draw in new customers while keeping current ones engaged. Providing free products or discount coupons effectively captures attention and sparks interest in your brand. This approach allows potential customers to try your offerings without any financial commitment, lowering their risk. The excitement generated by freebies often translates into word-of-mouth promotion, a highly valuable and budget-friendly marketing method. Incorporating giveaways into your strategy is a smart move for both customer acquisition and retention. 

Encourage Referrals From Happy Clients

Referrals serve as a valuable asset in business growth. Referral Rock recommends motivating your happy clients to share their positive experiences with your offerings with friends and family. This strategy is highly cost-efficient and enhances your brand’s trustworthiness and reputation. The likelihood of individuals trying out your product or service increases when it’s endorsed by a trusted source. Leveraging customer referrals becomes an indispensable component of your marketing strategy. 

Beef Up Your Business Acumen with an Online Degree

If you feel the need to get up to speed with your business knowledge, you should be considering an online MBA program. It provides a comprehensive education in various critical areas such as economics, accounting, corporate finance, marketing, human capital management, strategic planning, and research and statistics. These core subjects equip individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to make informed decisions, analyze market trends, manage finances effectively, and develop and execute strategic business plans.

What’s particularly advantageous is that many MBA programs, including online options, offer flexibility, allowing students to balance work, family, and school commitments. This flexibility empowers aspiring business leaders to continue their professional careers while acquiring the essential expertise required to navigate the complex and dynamic world of business successfully.

These marketing strategies provide senior entrepreneurs with a clear route to achieving business success. By implementing these tactics, you can efficiently market your business, connect with your desired audience, and drive growth, eliminating the need for costly marketing firms. Success in marketing hinges on a deep understanding of your audience, maintaining authenticity in your communication, and delivering consistent value. Adopting these approaches ensures a strong and sustainable business presence in the market.





Arming Your Blog With the 4 A’s

“Use the four A’s – Acronym, Analogy, Anecdote, Alliteration – to catch the reporter’s ear and help the reader remember what you said,” Janet Falk of Falk Communications and Research advises business professionals going to a conference.

While Sharif Khan, writing in the American Marketing Association’s Business Writing Tips for Professionals thinks readers might find company acronyms annoying, at Say It For You, our content writers use acronyms to add variety, presenting information to readers in a different way.

Matching our writing to our intended audience is part of the challenge we business blog content writers face. Using an analogy to link an unfamiliar concept to something that is familiar can help the reader better comprehend what we’re trying to say. For example, blogging can be compared to a parhelion (an atmospheric optical illusion consisting of halos of light around the sun, showcasing rather than obliterating the shine). Approaching the same topic in different ways can help your content appeal to different audiences, still highlighting the central message.

Stay alert for anecdotes about customers, employees, or friends who are doing interesting things or overcoming obstacles. Real-people stories of you, your people, and the people you serve are always a good idea in your business blog. Anecdotes and examples lend variety to the blog, even though the anecdotes are being used to reinforce the same few core ideas.

To demonstrate that you understand the problems the online searcher is dealing with, it can be highly effective to relate how you personally went through the same failure stages. Next best to the business owner or professional relating an “I” experience which drives their passion, is anecdotes and testimonials from employees, customers, or vendors..

Using alliteration (consonant repetition) and assonance (vowel repetition) in blog titles has the effect of making those titles more “catchy”. In a sense, readers’ are both seeing the repetition and “hearing it”. Making a subtle but strong impact on readers is is precisely the focus of our content work at Say It For You is all about.

Content writers, try arming your blog posts with the 4 A’s!


Boxing Day For Bloggers

Day after Christmas is when Boxing Day is observed in Great Britain, Australia, and Canada, a time for retail sales, special sporting events and for making gifts to the poor. In a way, though,  for business people, today, the day after New Year’s, is our “Boxing Day”, our first best chance to put all those resolutions into practice….

Our big challenge
As content writers, our big challenge moving forward is overcoming “content shock”, which, as explains, is “the experience of being desensitized to perfectly good content by the sheer volume of texts being thrown our way every day due to technological advancement”. The secret is to make content accessible, written in a way that is easy to understand, the Readable authors advise.

Keeping it conversational
Formality may be appropriate for whitepapers, but for blogs, an informal style is preferred. At Say It For You, I stress first person business blog writing because of its one enormous advantage – it shows the people behind the posts, revealing the personality of the business owner, practitioner, or the team standing ready to serve customers. Still, all content writing in blogs is actually “second person” in that every piece of information offered has to be about the readers. I prefer first and second person writing in business blog posts over third person “reporting”.

Keeping it readable
According to, the golden rules for readability are:

  • Write at the correct reading level.(An eighth-grade reading level is recommended for most blogs. Web FX cautions).
  • Shorten your sentences. (Short sentences have “pow!”, and, particularly in titles, can be easily shared on social media.)
  • Reduce the number of long words. (Blog readers are scanners, and their eyes will focus on the most important words, the ones relating most directly to their search.)
  • Scrub your copy of jargon and acronyms. (While jargon is admittedly a handle-with-care writing technique, I believe it’s important to add lesser known bits of information, giving readers a feeling of being “in the know”.)
  • Don’t overuse adverbs.(The shorter and more direct a statement, the more impact it will have.)

Today,  the 2024″blog content writers “Boxing Day”, is the first day we have to put all these writing tips and New Year’s business-building resolutions into action….
