
Blogs Playing Defense


“Despite a negative perception, Mayor Hogsett insists that downtown is the safest neighborhood in the city, accounting for less than 5 percent of all crime,” Susan Salaz writes in this month’s issue of Indanapolis Monthly, mounting a strong defensive play that serves as a great model for blog content writers.

“Today it is harder than ever to protect your brand,” Clara Doyle admits in, discussing crisis communications. Knowing how to shield your company from mis/disinformation can be challenging. Your audience may lack the ability to critically evaluate media content, and this can negatively impact your brand,” she explains. If you are not prepared to manage fake news, your audience may be likely to believe stories containing misleading information. Your response must be proactive and consistent, Doyle stresses. And, if the information is the result of a mistake you’ve made, be forthright and transparent in dealing with the matter. .

At a time when your brand is under intense scrutiny, you must defend it with facts, advises Latana. Make sure your response:

  1. respects confidentiality
  2. does not contain offensive content
  3. is thoughtful

“In a time rife with polarization and confusion, the world needs true authority more than ever,” observes Lisa Seidenberg in “As a communications director, you have the opportunity to position your firm’s experts to respond,” she urges. Since, at Say It For You, our writing team often function as “communications director” for the clients who hire us to bring their message to online readers, we know the important for mounting a strong defensive “play” in the form of blog content. Precisely because of the consistency with which useful, informative content has been offered over many months and even years, regular blog visitors are inclined to trust the information when it becomes necessary to “play defense”.

Marketing blogs are actually perfect vehicles for defusing not only false news, but ongoing misunderstandings related. Each time you post content (or use a freelance blog content writer to post content), you’re adding to the overall power of the story. The online searchers who found your blog may have concerns and may be incompletely informed, but the very fact they were directed to your blog means they had an interest in your subject and are looking for the very sort of products, services, and information you’re eager to provide!
