Blogging to Pitch, Query, and Propose


Reading Amy Jones’ fascinating article “Pitch vs. Query vs. Proposal” in Writer’s Digest reminded me of the sales function of blog marketing. Just as writers need to capture the attention of editors, we aim to convert our clients’ website visitors into buyers. Not to strain a synonym or wax overly philosophical, book writers need to first capture the attention and interest of the editors, with the ultimate goal to reach readers. To capture the attention of potential buyers, business owners and professional practitioners need to capture the attention of an appropriate segment of web surfers, going through the “filter” of a search engine. ….

But, do blog posts lead to purchases? Pamela Bump of Hubspot cites the firm’s 2021 executive Marketing Leadership Survey: Asked “Have you ever purchased something from a company after reading a blog post from them?”, 56% sais “Yes”; 20% of marketing leaders described blogs as “one of their most important channels for hitting goals.

the Pitch
In the pitch, Jones advises writers, tell the editor or publisher why you are the best person to write about a particular topic for of that publication. In other words, show at you and that publication would be a good match. The parallel in blog marketing? Make it easy for search engines to understand what you do, and where you fit. No, Pat Ahern of, says, people searching the web aren’t ready to pull out their wallets, but answering a question of our target audience can be the first step in them checking out our blog.

the Query
A query, Jones goes on to tell writers, say, takes the form of a letter to an agent or editor accompanied by a sample or excerpt from the novel or article. “If you’re a plumber, remind readers when and how to winterize,” Marc Prosser of SCORE advises business owners. In other words, establish your authority in your field. By sharing your expertise, you’re building customer loyalty and demonstrating a “match” with common search terms.

the Proposal
Having stimulated some show of initial interest in your article or book, Jones now tells writers, you are ready to create an actual proposal, detailing the “product”, showing evidence of need for need for a new approach to the topic, and some actual “specs” of your manuscript. Blog content writers can share valuable information about both the features and benefits of their products and services, adding testimonials from former and existing clients.

Blog to pitch, query, and propose!

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