Don’t-Do-These-Things Blogging for Business

“Selling your home? Don’t do these 5 things” is the title of an IndyStar article, and a very good title, at that – for several reasons that should be of interest to blog content writers. For some reason, it’s the ”don’ts” that draw people’s attention far more than the “dos” – readers are drawn to negative titles. It’s that old human fear of failure again, but like it or not, negative titles work.

The article goes on to offer several pieces of very practical, valuable advice, such as warning against doing major remodels to your home to match your own tastes rather than what buyers might prefer, and at a cost that may not be recoverable in the sale price.

“Don’t Do These 5 Things” is an example of a “listicle”, which is actually a very popular type of blog post title. Lists spatially organize information, creating an easy reading experience. By most accounts, search engines like lists as well. IndyStar writer Michael Schroeder is also using “chunking”, a technique for tying different pieces of advice into one unifying theme.

The “listicle” technique can be useful for freshening up old blog post content. Starting with one idea about your product or service, put a number to it, such as:
“2 Best Ways To …,”
“3  Problem Fixes to Try First….”
“4 Simple Remedies for…”

The point of it all is to draw attention to ways readers can use your product or service, making the valuable information and tips you’re offering easy to grasp and retain.

Are there any “Don’ts” about being negative in blog posts? Negatives against competitors are a basic no-no. It’s almost axiomatic that, in writing for business, we want to clarify the ways we stand out from the competition.  How, then, can we get the point across that readers should want to choose this business or this practice, or these products and services over those offered by the competition? Stay positive, is the answer.

Don’t-Do-These-Things titles may work well for attracting readers to your helpful hints. But when it comes to comparing yourself to others, accentuate the positives about your way of doing things!




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