Taking a Moment to Introduce Yourself in Your Blog

The other day, when I opened my Indianapolis Star (yes, I still enjoy a “real” morning paper, not the digital version), the following note, printed on a strip of white paper, fell out.:

Good morning. We just wanted to take a moment to introduce ourselves. We are
Bobby and Jenny…. We have been your carriers since September, and we hope to
give you the best service possible. If you have any concerns, please feel free to call
or text…or you can email at ………. Hope you have a wonderful day. We really
appreciate you..

Wow! What a wonderful reminder of the power of personal communication, I thought. And,
because as blog content writers we are in the business of personal communication, I wanted
to share this story with my Say It For You readers. This note from my newspaper mail carriers,
I think, reminds us of an all-important point: blog content writers must focus on personal
anecdotes and on the personal values of the business owners and the people promoting their
products and services.
One interesting perspective on the work we do as professional bloggers is that we are interpreters, translating clients’ corporate message into human, people-to-people terms.  That, by the way, is the precise reason I prefer first and second person writing in business blog posts over third person “reporting”. I believe people tend to buy when they see themselves in the picture and when can they relate emotionally to the person bringing them the message.

Personal doesn’t necessarily mean over-casual or informal, however.  In fact, for us freelance blog content writers, getting the tone exactly right for a new client is the big challenge. Crystal Gouldey of AWeber Communications names five different “tones” to consider when planning a blog:

  • The formal, professional tone
  • The casual tone
  • The professional-but-friendly tone

Regardless of the topic, I believe, the blog is the place for readers to connect with the people behind the business or practice. To the extent readers feel there are real people introducing themselves and offering solutions, the material will not be perceived as too academic-sounding or overly “sales-ey”.

Whether you’re doing your own writing or using the services of a content writer, take the time to introduce yourself in your blog!


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