Groupon and Corporate Blogs – Examining the Pros and Cons

couponsIndianapolis blog writers, particularly those providing content for SEO marketing blogs, need to read what Tim Altom has to say in the Indianapolis Business Journal on the subject of Groupon deals.

“Want hordes of new customers battering down your doors and filling your lobby?” he asks.  “Groupon says it can get you there.” “ Even Groupon’s proponents sing its praises only warily, and its critics can be scathing in their condemnation,” Altom adds, going on to describe the way a Groupon deal is structured and to share some of the best and worst results clients have been reporting..

As a professional ghost blogger who offers business blogging help to various corporations, I have to say there are best and worst results to report about corporate blogging for business, too.

At least a part of the motivation for companies hiring freelance blog writers is the same as the motivation for offering Groupon deals – wanting those hordes of new customers to batter down the doors.  And, in theory, corporate blogging is one way to get you there. ”Blogs are very powerful in terms of search engine optimization, explains, describing several reasons that’s true:

  • Blog content demonstrates thought leadership more than vendor websites, and therefore search engines give more authority to blogs.
  • Blog content is updated much more frequently than commercial website content, providing an advantage in real-time search results.
  • Due to the informational rather than promotional nature of the content, blog posts are more likely to draw links from news stories and articles. I advise blog writers to “prime the pump” by writing guest posts on other people’s blogs and to invite others to write guest posts on theirs.

So what are the negatives, I’m often asked in corporate blogging training sessions? and why do results vary so much for both Groupon and in writing for business?
“Groupon can pull them in,” explains Tim Altom, “but you have to close the rest of the retention deal yourself.” 

Similarly, searchers looking for information, help, products, and services are drawn to your SEO marketing blog, but there are several things that need to be put into place – smooth navigation to and around your website, capturing of email addresses, and a system of follow-up to convert some of those searchers into customers.
“Savvy merchants are adopting Groupon as only part of a bigger strategy for catching new business and encouraging returns,” concludes Altom.

Blogging for business works exactly the same way!


Business Bloggers’ Friday Wordsmithing Tip: Serve the Second Draft

“Rare is the writer who can sit down and knock out a perfect writing draft withoutthink twice corrections,” warn the authors of The Little Red Writing Book. Perhaps that’s one of the reasons the vast majority of businesses who engage in online marketing end up needing professional business blogging help.

As far back as 2008, a survey by Technorati showed that 95% of blogs have been abandoned and neglected! “We know we need to do it, but we’re so focused on the overwhelming tasks that build up day to day, that many well meaning marketers simply abandon their blog altogether,” points out Web Marketing Therapy.

At least in theory, blogging for business should be much easier than writing brochures or ads for the company. Since, as I explain during corporate blogging training sessions, blog content writing should be conversational and informal, are second drafts even needed when it comes to blogs?

“When is it really finished?” asks The Little Red Writing Book, acknowledging that “Making changes to your writing is annoying and grueling”, but also admitting that writing for everyday purposes takes less editing and reviewing.

When it comes to business blog posts, I tell freelance blog writers, more important than the SpellCheck and GrammarCheck go-around is checking to make sure of two things:

  • Each blog post is focused on one, and only one, main idea.
  • You’ve visualized your target readers, the customers that are right for your business. Are you satisfied that this blog post truly been addressed to them, in their language, addressing their concerns?

As all Say It For You Indianapolis blog writers know, it takes more than one pass to get it right.  Better to serve your SECOND draft!


Business Bloggers’ Wednesday Wordsmithing Tip: Use the Power of Suggestion

seltzer tabletsWhile Milo Frank’s ideas on painting word pictures and finding a common language with your audience were the stuff of Monday’s Say It For You wordsmithing ideas for blog content writers, today let’s return to another of my favorite authors – Malcom Gladwell.

Since I offer business blogging help and am always on the alert for interesting information that can help freelance blog writers appeal to online readers, I loved learning about the Jack Tinker advertising agency.  I was fascinated to hear that it was the Tinker agency that came up with the name Riviera for Buick’s luxury car, the name Accutron for Bulova’s quartz watch, and the name for Oasis cigarettes.  All these choices were based on the kind of psychological research that was a Tinker speciality.

The one Gladwell anecdote that really stood out for me as a professional ghost blogger, relates to Tinker researcher Herta Herzog.  In the middle of discussing new approaches for Alka Seltzer commercials, Herzog said, “You show a hand dropping an Alka-Seltzer  into a glass of water.  Why not show the hand dropping TWO?  You’ll double sales.” And, explains Gladwell, that’s exactly what happened!

All of us involved in providing business blogging services need to keep that Alka Seltzer strategy firmly in mind.  For one thing, the story demonstrates the power of images, reminding us how important it is for us to incorporate photos, video, and even clip art into our SEO marketing blogs.

Even more important in blogging for business is putting your products and services in context for the online visitor.  How will I use the product?  How much will I use? How often? Where? What will it look like?  How will I feel?

In business blog writing, then, painting the picture is only Step #1.  What comes next is putting the reader into the picture!


Business Bloggers’ Wordsmithing Tip: Find Common Language

So much positive feedback came in from Say It For You readers about my wordsmithing tipcommon language series, I decided to add a second set of tips this week.  Needless to say, I encourage all my Indianapolis blog writer friends to submit their own tips to me as well.

“People in different companies and industries often don’t speak the same language,” observes one of my favorite wordsmiths, Milo O. Frank (How to Get Your Point Across in 30 Seconds or Less).

My own observation, based on working with different industries doing corporate blogging training, is that lack of clarity between writer and reader is worse with business-to-consumer corporate blog writing.  But even among suppliers, consultants, and retailers within a single industry, there’s no question that the clearer the words are to all the parties, the easier it becomes for transactions (obviously one of the end goals of SEO marketing blogs) to happen.

In his book, Frank offers a great example of a better way to get a complex point across to an audience through a metaphor:

Not-so-good version:
“Bypass refers to the use of telecommunications services…to circumvent the local telephone company network.  This will deteriorate revenues and increase costs to residential consumers.”

Much better version:
“Think of your local telephone company as the Main Street Bridge, which costs $100,000 a year to operate regardless of the amount of traffic.  A big company builds a new bridge just for trucks.  Now the cars have to pay more to cross the Main Street Bridge because there are no trucks to help carry the costs.  That is bypass.”

Freelance blog writers are reminded to paint a picture for their online readers. (In Frank’s example, it’s the image of the bridge that gets the point across.)

Business blogs are all about getting found, then getting the point across.  Words and pictures are your two tools in blogging for business!


Business Bloggers’ Friday Mythbusting Tip: Proving Readers Right

running in rainYou can now sample Discovery Channel’s science-fact series through a book.  Mythbusters authors Keith and Kent Zimmerman “blow up things”, both literally and in the form of debunking common myths. 

Myth-busting is a tactic blog content writers can use to grab online visitors’ attention.  In corporate blogging training sessions, I explain to newbie content writers in Indianapolis that citing statistics to disprove popular myths gives business owners the chance to showcase their own knowledge and expertise.

Most of us, for example, in answer to the question “If you get caught in the rain, 
will you stay drier if you walk or run?” would say running makes the most sense.  
The Zimmermans created controlled conditions, including a sprinkler system in a tall
building to measure the velocity of rain, to bust that “common sense” conclusion.

Even experts from the National Oceanographic Atmosphere Administrsation thought running would keep you drier than walking, but the actual results of the Mythbusters experiment demonstrated you’d stay drier by walking!

This experiment is an example of mythbusting at its most compelling.  There is real proof offered, not just an “I’m-the-expert-and-you’re-not” material offered.

Since one of the purposes of any SEO marketing blog is to attract potential customers to the business’ website, it would be a tactical mistake for freelance blog writers to imply they’re out to prove those online visitors wrong.  The Mythbusters authors acknowledge that their readers’ conclusions are intuitive and natural. Anyone might reasonably have come to the conclusion that running to get out of the rain will keep you drier; itt just happens to be that reality is counterintuitive.

In corporate blog writing, then, the trick is to engage interest, but not in “Gotcha!” style. Business owners and professional practitioners blogging for business can showcase their own expertise without “showing up” their readers’ lack of it!
