Resisting the Urge to Repeat? Not!

Ask a question and wait for a response, no matter how long it takes, is one piece of advice given to newbie salespeople. In other words, resist the urge to repeat your question, instead waiting- wait for an answer. Your prospect will inevitably feel moved to fill the silence, is the theory. Some health experts agree, citing repetition compulsion, or called trauma reenactment, which involves repeating physically or emotionally painful situations that happened in the past.

Not all sales trainers are on board with the advice about waiting for prospects to respond. “The mistake many people make–including me–is not following up often enough,” Minda Zetlin writes in Inc. Magazine. “When customers don’t hear from you for a while, they’re liable to forget you just at the moment when you want to be top of mind,” she says. Ask yourself, Zetlin advises, if there’s a follow-up note you can send with additional metrics or other information that will help your potential customer make a decision. Meanwhile, the trainer adds, “You don’t want to make the classic mistake of losing customers you already have while you’re busy landing new business.”

Hubspot agrees with Zetlin’s approach, saying that following up on a sales call or email significantly increases your chances of getting a response. Research shows that if you add just one more follow-up email, you can increase your average reply rate by eleven percentage points. In fact, first followup emails show. a 40%-increase in reply rate in comparison to the first email.

At Say It For You, after years of being involved in all aspects of blog writing and blogging training, one irony I’ve found is that business owners who “follow up” with new content on their websites are rare. There’s a tremendous fall-off rate, with most blogs abandoned months or even weeks after they’re begun. Blog marketing maven Neil Patel reminds business owners and practitioners that “Google isn’t shy about rewarding websites that publish regular, high-quality content.” The “frequency illusion”, Mark Zimmer adds, means that each time a customer is exposed to the message there is a sense of omnipresence.

At least when it comes to blogging for business, resisting the urge to repeat is not the way to go!



Blogs are About Value, Not Pricing

An article in Mental Floss magazine about a 300 year-old Stradivarious violin reminded me of an ongoing discussion having to do with whether product or service pricing should be mentioned in blog content….

In discussing the upcoming auction of the Strad, author James Stewart makes some salient observations about pricing and how it relates to value. Factors that add to the value of this particular violin include:

  • the fame of the violin maker family
  • the identity of former owners of the instrument (Seider taught violin to Albert Einstein using this violin)
  • the association with the 1930’s filming of The Wizard of Oz at MGM Studios

Due to this combination of value-enhancing factors, it’s estimated that the violin might fetch $15 to $20 million in the upcoming auction.

“Today’s consumer is bombarded with advertisements in all media, direct mail offers, and telemarketing offers,” observes Dr. Richard Murphy of Jacksonville, University. “There are numerous factors involved when we begin to discuss the issues of value, cost and price. The value of anything is perceived by the customer, not the manufacturer or the vendor.” A Forbes article mentions one of Warren Buffett’s most famous quotes: “Price is what you pay; value is what you get.”

One question facing blog marketers is whether prices should be mentioned at all in the content. Ten years ago, Marcus Sheridan of social media observed that, instead of addressing the No. 1 consumer question up front, business owners often decided to wait until a later stage of the sales process. “People like to know how much stuff costs,” Sheridan warned.

At Say It For You, we don’t think price is the No. 1 consumer question on the minds of web searchers who land on our clients’ blog posts. Instead, what your business blog writing needs to do is answer questions, offer perspective and thought leadership, while giving searchers a “feel” for the desired outcomes of using your products and services.

Think about it: When you visit an online shopping site, or even when you go into a local store to buy something, often all you can see are products on the shelf (or, in the case of an online visit, pictures of products) with names and prices.  Too often, there’s nobody to talk to and no other information available, (there may be customer reviews online).

At our content writing company, here’s how we view the issue of “putting price first”: Buyers want more than just product and service descriptions and prices. Blog content writing is about introducing readers to business owners, explaining the owners’ specialty or niche within their field, their special “philosophy” about their area of practice or their industry, and their unique approach to providing client services.

Blogs are about value, not pricing!


Letting the ideas Do the Work in Your Blog

“By the end of three minutes, your audience will already be leaning yes or no on your proposal”, Brant Pinvidic writes in The 3-minute Rule. You know your product, service, or company is amazing, but they don’t know how it works or why it’s so great. You need to give them more knowledge in less time, the author explains, not selling, but letting the ideas do the work. 

Given the concern today about the rising price of oil, I was particularly taken by the story Pinvidic shares about an oil company executive. (This was taking place back when oil prices were one quarter what they are now.) Pindivic was coaching the presenter, whose goal was to show investors that his company, unlike others, had found a way to keep drilling even if oil were to fall to $32 a barrel (the price was $40 at the time) The problem – it was only after 17 minutes of presenting (by which time the audience had fallen asleep) that the speaker explained how his company could keep drilling at $32 a barrel of oil..

The revised presentation began with the most important idea, the essence of the proposal: Our company can keep drilling profitably even if crude prices drop below $32 a barrel. Next came the “why” and the “how”: We have clear leases on proven wells with ample reserves. The valley location gives takers quick access to major highways to the Port of Houston. The new presentation ended with perspective and context: Our competitors must stop production below $37 a barrel.

In a nutshell, Brant Pinvidic is urging marketers to stop selling and to let the ideas do the work: “Don’t state and prove. Inform and lead.”

At Say It For You, I often refer to blogs as the sound bites of the Internet. In short segments, business owners convey to readers the essence of their accomplishments. Corporate blog writing, I explain, isn’t advertising, Blog content writing means telling readers about the essence of your special knowledge, insights, and beliefs, as well as about the products or services you offer. However, just as Pindivic stresses, the most important idea (and there should be just one core “thesis” for each blog post) needs to reassure readers they’ve come to the right place for the solution to their problem or the answer to their question.

While your topic may have little to do with oilfields, your audience needs your help “drilling down” – and quickly – to the essence of what you know, what you do, and how you can be of benefit to them. Stop selling and let the ideas do the work!



Blog Marketing to Increase Choice Confidence

“Choice confidence is an important driver of buying behavior,” Associate Professor of Marketing Demetra Andrews writes in the Indianapolis Business Journal. Together with colleagues, Andrews examined the influence different forms and quantities of information on consumers’ willingness to buy, naming certain types that tend to be most effective in building buyer confidence:

  1. Information that is diagnostic makes it easier for prospects to distinguish the differences among available options.
  2. Increasing the number of “cues” (individual pieces of information) increases customers’ perception of their own knowledge.
  3. Information presented in verbal format (vs. numbers) is most effective in building purchase intentions.
  4. Product ratings increase choice confidence.
  5. Testimonials from “influencers”, including consumers who provide insights into their own experience with the product or service encourage confidence.

Each of these valuable insights can be translated into blog content creation:

Diagnostic information
In order to facilitate informed decisions by readers, data needs to be presented and “analyzed” and broken down in terms of results. Remember, searchers are asking themselves “What’s in it for me?” Along with features, effective blog posts describe benefits.

Increasing the number of “cues”
Chunking refers to the strategy of breaking down information into bite-sized pieces so the brain can more easily digest new information. Blog posts are ideal for serving up “bites” of information, creating impact over weeks and months.

Ratings and comparisons
One core function of blogs for business is explaining yourself, your business philosophy, your products, and your processes.  An effective blog clarifies what sales trainers like to call your “unique value proposition” in terms readers can understand.

Customer success stories and client testimonials boost your credibility with new prospects, helping them decide to do business with you. But, as explains, website testimonials “also foster commitment from those providing the testimonials.”

“By tailoring information form, format, quantity and source, businesses can help customers make better, more confident choices that will meet their needs,” Andrews concludes. By tailoring the presentation of information as presented in blog posts, content writers can enhance blog readers’ confidence and encourage them to become customers.


High vs. Low Level Blog Marketing


“The problem with the hard and soft sell definitions is that they are subjective,” Gemma Wright comments in ProCopyTips. “Hard sell can also be viewed as aggressive and could potentially turn off prospective customers, whereas soft sell can be thought of as ineffective as it’s considered too gentle and doesn’t necessarily convert into sales.” “The trick, Wright concludes, “is finding that elusive middle ground that works for your business.”

When it comes to dog obedience training, as Sit Means Sit explains, “high vs. low level training is kind of like a steak. A ‘medium’ steak is over cooked if you prefer rare, and under cooked if you prefer well done”. And when it comes to dog obedience training, Sit Means Sit goes on to say, “one trainer will feel the level needs to be higher or lower, which might vastly disagree with what another trainer thinks”.

That dilemma constitutes a large part of what blog posts are for, we realize at Say It For You. In any field of business and in every profession, there will be different opinions about the most effective way to approach problem solution. Because it may not be feasible to explore all possible solutions on the welcome page of a website, blog posts are ideal for delving further into the many aspects of a topic.

Most people will not react overly positively to a blog that is just sales spin,” cautions “While blogs can be used as a tool for selling they are at their best when they are relational, conversational and offer their readers something useful that will enhance their lives.”) The good news for business owners and practitioners who use blogs as a marketing tool, is that blog posts are an ideal vehicle for demonstrating support and concern while being persuasive in a low-key manner.

So what are some different ways to “cook a blog steak”?

  • building good will
  • staying in touch with existing customers and clients
  • defining terminology
  • offering how-to hints
  • announcing changes in products and services
  • controlling damage when it comes to negative PR or complaints
  • recruiting employees
  • ”humanizing” the owners and employees by presenting them as real, likeable peopleAt Say It For You, we teach that blog posts are, like advertorials, a “softly softly” form of advertising, in which you use a news or human-interest story to sell a product or service. The story ties together the answers to readers’ questions, and the solution you’re proposing.

You might say that well-written blogs combine the best of both high and low level marketing!

