
Use Stories to Humanize Your Brand

“We learn who characters are the same way we get to know people in real life: We are introduced to them, we get a first impression, we see how they act and behave, what they do, how they react and interact, and little by little, we form a composite, ever-deepening picture of who they are.,” Tiffany Yates Martin observes in Writer’s Digest, teaching ways to bring characters to life on the page.

Post COVID, the Made For Knoxville initiative attempted to do that very thing, celebrating and  uplifting Knoxville founders and entrepreneurial leaders by highlighting their individual stories, asking the question “What was your big pivot moment that led to entrepreneurship?”.

To create a brand story that builds authenticity with your target audience, Adobe Express emphasizes, use storytelling for long-lasting impact, conveying the company’s message through compelling narratives rather than relying on “dry facts and features. Through storytelling, the authors assert, you can:

  • connect with customers on an emotional level
  • foster brand loyalty
  • humanize the brand

Our work at Say It For You is based on that precise concept, translating our clients’ corporate message into human, people-to-people terms. In fact, that’s the reason I prefer first and second person writing over third person “reporting”. I think people tend to buy when they see themselves in the picture and when can they relate emotionally to the person bringing them the message. I compare the interaction between content writers and online readers to behavioral job interviews, where the concept is to focus not on facts, but on discovering the “person behind the resume”.

For that very reason, “how-we-did-it” stories make for very effective blog content for both business owners and professional practitioners. True stories about mistakes and struggles are very humanizing, adding to the trust readers place in the people behind the business or practice, not to mention the special expertise and insights the providers gained that can now be applied, much to the benefit of customers.

In today’s technology-driven world, humanizing your marketing content is a way of bringing readers “backstage”, keeping the company or professional practice relatable. AI advances notwithstanding, the old saw still applies: People want to do business with people!


It’s the Chef, Stupid, Not the Food or the Decor


The latest Forbes Special Issue devotes an entire page to restaurant reviews:

  • “Lively French bistro with Austrian overtones in menu and decor, epitomized by its sensational schnitzel Viennoise.”
  • “Magnificent Middle Eastern meals, especially the breads and spreads.”
  • “Blonde wood room effectively fuses two of the world’s greatest cuisines: Japanese and Peruvian.”

As a person who appreciates both good food and good content, I couldn’t help thinking that, of the 25 different descriptions of sumptuous eateries, all highly complimentary, there was only one that stood out above the rest:

“Iconic chef Marcus Samuelson’s new restaurant reflects the fusion of his birthplace Ethiopia and his adoptive home of Sweden, where he was raised. The blending of the two influences is astonishingly successful in one delectable dish after another.”

In another Forbes article, one published more than ten years ago, “5 Keys to Successful Small Business Marketing”, Ty Kiisel wrote, “Because business is personal, sharing a little of yourself makes you more accessible. People like doing business with other people. Over the years,” Kiisel revealed, “my readers have gotten to know me because I share with them some of the details of my life.”

The Forbes restaurant reviewer, by sharing information about the chef,  not only about the food, made me feel that I was meeting a person, not merely being presented with a product.

In content marketing, we teach at Say It For You,  stories that “humanize” the owners and workers, even stories about past mistakes and struggles, tend to generate feelings of admiration for –  and trust in – the entrepreneurs or professional practitioners who overcame both outside obstacles and the  effects of their own early mis-steps.

It comes down to storytelling – Why did those owners choose to do what they do? Where did they come from? What are they most passionate about? What are they trying to add to – or change – about their industry?

It’s the chef, (stupid), not the food or the decor.


Arming Your Blog With the 4 A’s

“Use the four A’s – Acronym, Analogy, Anecdote, Alliteration – to catch the reporter’s ear and help the reader remember what you said,” Janet Falk of Falk Communications and Research advises business professionals going to a conference.

While Sharif Khan, writing in the American Marketing Association’s Business Writing Tips for Professionals thinks readers might find company acronyms annoying, at Say It For You, our content writers use acronyms to add variety, presenting information to readers in a different way.

Matching our writing to our intended audience is part of the challenge we business blog content writers face. Using an analogy to link an unfamiliar concept to something that is familiar can help the reader better comprehend what we’re trying to say. For example, blogging can be compared to a parhelion (an atmospheric optical illusion consisting of halos of light around the sun, showcasing rather than obliterating the shine). Approaching the same topic in different ways can help your content appeal to different audiences, still highlighting the central message.

Stay alert for anecdotes about customers, employees, or friends who are doing interesting things or overcoming obstacles. Real-people stories of you, your people, and the people you serve are always a good idea in your business blog. Anecdotes and examples lend variety to the blog, even though the anecdotes are being used to reinforce the same few core ideas.

To demonstrate that you understand the problems the online searcher is dealing with, it can be highly effective to relate how you personally went through the same failure stages. Next best to the business owner or professional relating an “I” experience which drives their passion, is anecdotes and testimonials from employees, customers, or vendors..

Using alliteration (consonant repetition) and assonance (vowel repetition) in blog titles has the effect of making those titles more “catchy”. In a sense, readers’ are both seeing the repetition and “hearing it”. Making a subtle but strong impact on readers is is precisely the focus of our content work at Say It For You is all about.

Content writers, try arming your blog posts with the 4 A’s!


Interview Blogging


“Subject matter experts are your key to organizational survival,” writes Peggy Salvatore in Working With SMEs, suggesting best questions to pose when interviewing sources. Writer’s Digest Don Vaughn agrees, seeing interviews as a vital aspect of nonfiction writing. The interview format, we’ve found at Say It For You, can be an efficient way to create compelling content that:

  1. inspires readers based on the success of the interviewee
  2. offers useful tips and tactics the interviewee has used

In a recent Indianapolis Business Journal interview, Albert Chen was asked  a)what he’s focusing on  b) what he’s listening to  and  c) his toughest challenge. In an interview described in Start Your Own Business Magazine, interviewees were asked “What’s on your walls?” and “What do you do for lunch?” One very clever interview format is “Buy, Hold, Sell” , asking  a) Which new business choices are “buying into” now? b) What tactics have served you well that you plan to continue? c) Which are you finding no longer work in today’s environment? After your interviewee has answered the question, Peggy Salvatore advises interviewers, find a nugget in their answer that you find interesting and ask more about it.

Just last week in this Say It For You blog, I quoted a remark by digital marketing advisor Jeff Bullas to the effect that blogging is a platform for self-development. Since it’s so often the founder of a business or practice whom we’re interviewing, what I call “the training benefit” comes into play. The very interview process “forces” entrepreneurs to learn ways of effectively expressing their passion and defining the business lessons they’ve learned.

“Knowing what you know now, is there anything you would have done differently?” is an excellent question, with the answer serving to “humanize” the subject while offering valuable tips to readers. “What routines do you follow each day?” is a question that can introduce a post containing valuable “how to” tips for readers, Zoe Maggert of Perfectly Planned Content teaches. Usin your blog to interview a leader in a different industry is like having a guest lecturer enliven a college class session. Interviews inspire human connection, Maggert adds.

Every so often, to add vim and vigor to your content marketing efforts, include an interview blog post!



Steve Jobs and Pixar Illustrate an Important Principle of Blogging


My realtor friend Steve Rupp sent me a piece with the following story about Steve Jobs….

After purchasing computer manufacturer Pixar, Jobs relocated the company to an abandoned factory, re-organizing the physical structure with offices and workspaces around a large, central atrium. Under this new (at the time) very unusual arrangement, the mailboxes, meeting room, cafeteria, coffee bar, and gift shop were all in the center of the space. The underlying principle? “When people run into each other and make eye contact, things happen.” Of course, electronic messages could have been sent throughout the Pixar building in a millisecond, Jobs realized, but the community context of the message is the part that would help people understand each other and work together.

Could Jobs have avoided restructuring the entire complex of buildings, relying on mandatory periodic meetings or even informal periodic staff get-togethers to accomplish his goal of employees “running into each other”? Perhaps, but that “eye contact”, “context-sharing” and cross-pollination of ideas, Jobs understood, needed to happen frequently in order to be meaningful.

At Say It For You, after years of being involved in all aspects of corporate blog writing and blogging training, one irony I’ve found is that business owners who “show up” with new content on their websites are rare. There’s a tremendous fall-off rate, with most blogs abandoned months or even weeks after they’re begun. That sense of community Steve Jobs was after in the redesign of the Pixar facility? You might say the first job of a blog content writer is to help a business or a professional practice “get its frequency on”. What the blog does is get the business owners and practitioners into the “atrium” to “run into” their readers!

Good things happen in the blog frequency “atrium” for business owners who make blogging part of their routine as part of an overall business marketing strategy, with blog posts providing a steady stream of “sound bites” – little bits of different, interesting, and helpful content.

Steve Jobs building design was meant to encourage employees to “hang out” with each other in the Pixar atrium area whenever their schedules allowed, with no regular times posted. Over the years, relates, various studies have analyzed data to find out the best time to publish a blog post. Most often, though, we find that the issue is less that of choosing the optimal posting time and more about finding the time to create content to post in the first place!

Our mission, then as blog content writers, is to create an “atrium” where business owners and practitioners can share ideas with readers.
