
Business Blogging Using Body Language Awareness

Consolation of a friend depicted by two figurines on a bookImprovement is always possible, was the guiding principle behind the communication system developed by family therapist Virginia Satir. Satir felt that if we became more alert to others’ body language, we would be better able to deal with them and turn conflicts into win-win situations.

The Five Positions refer to body language that conveys the emotions of people who are speaking. Now I realize that, when we’re creating business blog content, we are unable to see the readers, and we really can’t tell just what body language signals they’re emitting.

For example, we have no way of really knowing whether that person who found the blog post is being:

  • A Placater (who’s asking for something or bringing bad news and whose body is facing directly forward with palms facing up in supplication)
  • A Blamer (who’s looking to lay blame and point out problems and probably has a finger on one hand raised and pointing, with eyebrows lowered)
  • A Computer (who’s thinking or evaluating, with arms crossed or hand propping up  chin)
  • A Distracter (who’s being humorous and fun-seeking, often to avoid difficult discussion)
  • A Leveller (who’s comfortable and relaxed, facing forward, with relaxed head and eyebrows)

So as a corporate blogging trainer, what do I suggest content writers do when these visual clues aren’t present to guide our writing?

Pretend. Imagine that one of those types is at the other end and you’re speaking directly to him or her. (Pick just one type of reader per blog post and direct your remarks to just that type.) The idea is to demonstrate that you “get it”.  You understand the message they are (no doubt unwittingly) broadcasting through their body language. You’ve got to read the body language before you can speak it.
Corporate blog writing for business will succeed only it’s clear you (the business owner or professional practitioner) understand online searchers’ concerns and needs.

So, my advice to you is to “jump through the screen” and assume one of the five Satir positions!
